There is no escape from cyberbullying because our devices are with us all the time. Imagine feeling that no where you go is safe. Unfortunately, this is the reality for 52% of adolescents.

Under the guise of anonymity and not having to face their victim in real life, a cyberbully can attack beyond the playground, classrooms, or halls at school. In the cyber world a bully doesn’t have to be stronger or bigger. The power lies in their typed words or the information or picture they have in their possession.

To be defined as cyberbullying these acts have to be repetitive and can involve spreading rumors, sending threats or hurtful comments, or sharing compromising videos or pictures of the victim via an electronic device. For more information visit

Warning Signs A Child May Be a Target of Cyberbullying If They:

  • Stop using their device
  • Spend less time with peers
  • Lose interest in activities that they used to enjoy
  • Refuse to talk about their online activities
  • Appear nervous or jumpy when using their device
  • Experience changes in sleeping and eating habits
  • Appear uneasy about going to school or outside
  • Appear to be angry, depressed, or frustrated after going online
  • Become withdrawn or depressed
  • Talk about suicide
  • Experience an increase in absences or early pick up from school due to illness

A Child May Be Cyberbullying Others If He or She:

  • Hides online activities
  • Uses device late at night
  • Has multiple online accounts with fake names
  • Refuses to talk about their online activities
  • Laughs while using their device, but won’t discuss what is so funny
  • Becomes withdrawn or isolated
  • Has anger outbursts when unable to find their device
  • Starts to hang out with the “wrong” crowd
  • Appears overly concerned with popularity or continued presence in a particular social circle or status
  • Experience an increase in behavioral issues and violent tendencies or insensitivity to peers