
Sex Addiction Is Real: Advocating for the Healing Black Women Deserve

As a Black Woman, coach, and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), I’ve witnessed firsthand how the intersection of race, gender, and addiction creates unique challenges for Black Women seeking help with sex and love addiction. Despite the skepticism of some in the psychotherapeutic community who deny the legitimacy of sex addiction, the evidence speaks for itself, sex addiction is not...[ read more ]

Mediating a Grey Divorce

Stigma prevented previous generations from leaving unhappy and unfulfilling marriages. The Baby Boomers have rebelled against this mentality leading to the rise of “grey divorces” (divorces that occur among couples aged 50 years or older). These divorcees may have waited until their children are living independently, financial stability had increased, or the house was paid for, before starting the divorce...[ read more ]

Technology Addiction: Dr. Tenille Richardson-Quamina and Nadja Streiter with COS

Technology Addiction: Dr. Tenille Richardson-Quamina and Nadja Streiter with COS from Campus Outreach on Vimeo.

5 Warning Signs Your Child Might Be A Victim Of Cyberbullying

5 Warning Signs Your Child Might Be A Victim Of Cyberbullying by Kelsey Borresen Virtual learning has given some victims of bullying a reprieve from the daily harassment they faced at school — in the hallways, the cafeteria, the locker room or at recess. For others, the taunting hasn’t stopped; it’s just moved online. Cyberbullying may include sending mean-spirited or threatening text...[ read more ]

Porn Addiction Prevention Tips

Porn often gets a bad rep, but in of itself it is not a problem. Porn can be used for educational purposes, as a sexual outlet, to increase your sex drive or to even help you determine what you are into. However, when the consequences of porn use (e.g. losing your relationship, career, developing an addiction or mental/physical health issues)...[ read more ]

Porn Addiction Podcast

Dr. Tenille Richardson-Quamina is a marriage and family therapist that has over nine years of research and experience with online porn addiction and is the owner of New Creations Counseling Services LLC.  She is a well-rounded clinician that has developed a niche for helping clients with internet addictions and it was an honor to interview her on her expertise and...[ read more ]

Three Ways to Stop Online Affairs

3 Ways to Stop Online Affairs July 28, 2016/in Couples Corner /by Katie Lemieux 1. Protect Your Status The first step Dr. Richardson-Quamina recommends in preventing an online affair is to protect your relationship status. We all remember the pivotal scene in 2010’s “The Social Network” when Jesse Eisenberg’s character realizes that the one thing that will make his online...[ read more ]


  Are your loved ones saying that you spend more time on your phone than with them? Do you need more time in the day for me time, hobbies, or family time? Is being constantly attached to your phone weighing you down? Then put yourself on a Smart Phone Diet by learning 5 tips to decrease the time you spend...[ read more ]

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Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
(305) 697-2787

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